Image as box background

I think it would be great if we could set images as the background of boxes. The UI would be the same as it is for space backgrounds.

Started on discord


didn’t see this on discord, but do you examples of background images you’d use in boxes? would you want them displayed with transparency like how box background colors are displayed?

I would want them to be solid, with the box color only showing on the borders. If it uses the same ui as space backgrounds, the tint option could be turned into a toggle, when toggled it would tint the image with the box color.

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I could see this looking something like this:

If the box is set to only border, the image wont be tinted, if it set to the other option, it tints the image with the color chosen for the box, pretty simple imo

the controls in that part of the dialog are also used in the multipleselection dialog,

so it only makes sense to put background there if changing the background to be the same for multiple boxes at once is something that would commonly come up ? which i don’t think it would

would you want the background image to stretch or tile inside a box?

i think tile is the way to go, just like how space backgrounds work

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to me it made sense to put it with the other settings, i didnt have multiselect in mind, but yes changing multiple backgrounds at once isnt something i see id use often.

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