When exporting space to PDF some parts are missing

It is missing some connections and some box titles. The resulting PDF is also very slow to move around in. I’m using Chrome on Linux (Ubuntu).

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the pdf rendering is being done by a third party service urlbox , so I’m not sure how much of this I can affect but will look into it (prob in a couple weeks). The performance of the PDF is going to be based on teh size of the space and all the images in it , and that’s something I cannot control :frowning:

Thanks for getting back to me :slight_smile: . The weird thing is that the space I’m exporting is not very big or complicated. Being able to map out my notes and share them easily offline with non-kintopia users is a really important feature for me.

Btw, how does urlbox get access to the page to convert it, if it’s a private space?

when you click the download link in kinopio , the server sends a special kind of invite link to the space which lets it access private spaces for the purpose of screenshotting.

can you DM me an invite link to the space?

Being able to map out my notes and share them easily offline

can you tell me more about your use case? by offline do you mean ‘in person with other people’ or ‘on a digital device with no network connectivity’?

Not sure how to DM you so I’ve shared the space with support@kinopio.club instead :slight_smile:

I guess in the way I work, it’s useful to be able to email a snapshot of work in progress from time to time, the offline part is not super important.

I have tried the ‘read-only’ share link on the private space. This works ok, but if the page is refreshed you can’t see the content anymore. Also I have to add present=true to the url for the controls to be hidden which also gets reset if the page is refreshed.

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I think it would be great if there was a private url like the one for urlbox, which just displayed the content of the space without any tools. Then I could use my operating systems ‘save to pdf’, or just share that url for people to view.

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if you append the query string ?isDisableViewportOptimizations=true&isPresentationMode=true to the url then you may be able to ‘save to pdf’ natively

another flow that might work is duplicating (via Export->duplicate) the space to create a snapshot and just sharing that url