One of my issues with Kinopio is its occasional erratic behaviour (described elsewhere with suddenly appearing empty cells, duplication etc.). Also undo is still quirky and unreliable. What if there was versioning control? I mean one could select a previous version of the page from some menu?
Hopefully this can be addressed by more robust undo. Other ways I’ve dealt with this are making a duplicate of a space before I do something “risky” and also periodically backing up my changes via the API.
I feel like version control might be too much of a power user concept that wouldn’t be worth it. Also, what happens in a multiplayer space? I guess rolling back would undo everyone’s changes, not just your own.
I think version control could be neat. And with Word and Excel, I’m seeing very non-technical people very used to and expecting version control lately.
I don’t think it has to be super extensive, but if Kinopio could take a snapshat of the space as you open it, I think it could be incredibly useful. I don’t think it needs to save them for very long either, maybe a week.
Yeah, one could call that “snapshots” . That would be maybe less scarry.
I get the sentiment, but the work to do snapshots or version control is at least equivalent to the work to fix the root issues of undo, etc. So for that reason I’d prefer to fix the root issues first.
p.s. i have a beta to fix the empty cells/cards issue in the works linked in Cards disappear (no contents) - #8 by pirijan