Toggle UI chrome (for presentations)
Use d
key to turn on and off the UI chrome.
let toggleChrome = () => {
const display = document.querySelector("header").style.display === "none" ? "" : "none";
document.querySelector("header").style.display = display;
document.querySelector("footer").style.display = display;
document.querySelector(".footer-wrap").style.display = display;
document.body.onkeypress = (e) => { if (e.key === "d") toggleChrome() }
Scroll via keyboard
Press j
and k
to scroll right and left by 996 pixels (which corresponds to one of the built-in Kinopio backgrounds. Might be useful for slides. Per @Charles (Discord)
let shift = 996; document.body.onkeypress = (e) => e.key === "j" ? window.scrollBy(shift, 0) : e.key === "k" ? window.scrollBy(-shift, 0) : null
You can make the scrolling smooth:
let shift = 996; document.body.onkeypress = (e) => e.key === "j" ? window.scrollBy({ left: shift, behavior: "smooth" }) : e.key === "k" ? window.scrollBy({ left: -shift, behavior: "smooth" }) : null
Resize all selected cards
let width = prompt('Resize all selected cards to how many pixels?', '235');
let store = document.querySelector("#app").__vue_app__.config.globalProperties.$store;
store.state.multipleCardsSelectedIds.forEach(id => store.dispatch('currentCards/update', {id: id, resizeWidth:Number(width)}));
Count cards
Replace all card names with asterisks
.querySelectorAll(".card-content .name > span")
.forEach(name => (name.textContent = name.textContent.replace(/[^\s]/g, "*")))
Snap all moved cards to nearest 100 pixel
let store = document.querySelector("#app").__vue_app__.config.globalProperties.$store;
const event = new CustomEvent('cardDragEnded');
var isDragging = false;
document.addEventListener('cardDragEnded', e => console.log('drag ended'));
let dragDetectorId = setInterval(() => {
if (!isDragging && store.state.currentDraggingCardId) { isDragging = true }
else if (isDragging && !store.state.currentDraggingCardId) { document.dispatchEvent(event); isDragging = false; }
}, 100);
document.addEventListener('cardDragEnded', e => Object.entries(
([id, card]) =>
store.dispatch('currentCards/update', { ...card, /* x: Math.round(card.x/100)*100, y: Math.round(card.y/100)*100 */ })
This will move all your cards. I commented out the part that changes the x y positions.
Straighten connection lines
let store = document.querySelector("#app").__vue_app__.config.globalProperties.$store;
Object.entries(store.state.currentConnections.connections).forEach(([key, value]) => store.dispatch('currentConnections/update', { ...value, path: value.path.replace(/q\d+,\d+/, "") }));
Lines will reset shape if you move connected cards or reload. This is much less useful since this is now built-in.