The Case of the Missing Connections

Yeah, gotta spice up the bug report titles a bit. So, this has happened a few times - the most recent connections I add disappear. The cards are fine; it’s just the connections.

Created a space in the ToDesktop app:

Opened in Firefox and the connections I just added (in the middle) are gone, (but the cards I added are fine). Thankfully, I still had the other window open and it seemed to overwrite the missing connections when I checked back.

Happened previously when opening in the ToDesktop app, had a bunch of connections between these cards that disappeared (but like previously, the cards stayed):
2021-11-07 08_26_25-Toadstool – Kinopio

Also mentioned in Discord, @adamprocter reported missing connections.


when you reload the page, did the connections come back? can you also give me the spaceid so i can verify if the connections exist still in the db?

rn, i suspect this is an error related to how spaces are restored in chunks

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I was able to recover them - maybe because I had the space open in another tab too. I lost the connections a different time though, same space, and it included connections that were added days before (not just that session). Something weird is that the json import didn’t work when I tried to recover them manually.
space ID: w5Aj55OIr4bigPBzeYXvY


when you see this again can you get me a logs dump again?


I’ve seen this once , but I can’t really repro. Added a potential fix for this. let me know when/if you see this again - thx

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saw this again in the field:

the connections are all there but stroke color is missing

vs a correct connection element
Screen Shot 2021-11-17 at 11.32.17 AM

implies a missing connection type being assigned to the connection on load

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possible fix released, let me know if the problem persists

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This just started happening to me too!

Computer/browser info: Firefox 95.0.2 / MacOS Big Sur 11.5.2 / MacBook Air M1

It happened to me three times in a row. Refreshing solved it then it happened again (and again). I was dragging the mouse around a lot each time it happened (first by accident, then on purpose trying to repro).

I assumed the connections were actually gone bc the connector-icons on the cards went grey.

Semi-redacted console log dump
🛬 getting remote space REDACTED index.b4f2b283.js:1:618624
☎️ checkIfShouldNotifySpaceOutOfSync 
Object { hoursDelta: 0, updatedAtIsChanged: false, spaceUpdatedAt: "2022-01-14T01:44:14.184Z", remoteSpaceUpdatedAt: "2022-01-14T01:44:30.385Z" }
🌛 received 
Object { message: "userLeftRoom", clientId: "REDACTED", space: {…}, user: {…} }
This site appears to use a scroll-linked positioning effect. This may not work well with asynchronous panning; see for further details and to join the discussion on related tools and features! REDACTED-BOARDNAME(?)
🌛 received 
Object { message: "userJoinedRoom", space: {…}, user: {…}, clientId: "REDACTED" }
🌜 sent clearRemoteMultipleSelected undefined 
Object { user: {…}, type: "clearRemoteMultipleSelected" }
🌜 sent updateUserPresence undefined 
Object { user: {…}, type: "updateUserPresence" }
🌜 sent addToRemoteConnectionsSelected undefined 
Object { type: "addToRemoteConnectionsSelected", userId: "REDACTED", connectionId: "REDACTED" }
💣 stopInteractions index.b4f2b283.js:1:608622
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-box-pack’.  Declaration dropped. index.de49f750.css:1:2677
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-box-align’.  Declaration dropped. index.de49f750.css:1:3448
Elements matching selector: .user-billing .summary
NodeList []
Error in parsing value for ‘align-items’.  Declaration dropped. index.de49f750.css:1:3483
Error in parsing value for ‘white-space’.  Declaration dropped. index.de49f750.css:1:4360
Unknown property ‘verical-align’.  Declaration dropped. index.de49f750.css:1:9695
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-animation-direction’.  Declaration dropped. index.de49f750.css:1:29986
Error in parsing value for ‘animation-direction’.  Declaration dropped. index.de49f750.css:1:30014
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-animation-direction’.  Declaration dropped. index.de49f750.css:1:34516
Error in parsing value for ‘animation-direction’.  Declaration dropped. index.de49f750.css:1:34544
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-animation-direction’.  Declaration dropped. index.de49f750.css:1:35878
Error in parsing value for ‘animation-direction’.  Declaration dropped. index.de49f750.css:1:35906
Unknown property ‘user-drag’.  Declaration dropped. index.de49f750.css:1:52338
Error in parsing value for ‘align-self’.  Declaration dropped. index.de49f750.css:1:60188
Error in parsing value for ‘align-self’.  Declaration dropped. index.de49f750.css:1:65928
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-animation-direction’.  Declaration dropped. index.de49f750.css:1:68897
Error in parsing value for ‘animation-direction’.  Declaration dropped. index.de49f750.css:1:68925
Error in parsing value for ‘-webkit-animation-direction’.  Declaration dropped. index.de49f750.css:1:78054
Error in parsing value for ‘animation-direction’.  Declaration dropped. index.de49f750.css:1:78082
Error: Promised response from onMessage listener went out of scope 3 common.js:4:491
🌛 received 
Object { message: "userLeftRoom", clientId: "REDACTED", space: {…}, user: {…} }
Error in parsing value for ‘background’.  Declaration dropped. 2 REDACTED-BOARDNAME(?)
Error in parsing value for ‘width’.  Declaration dropped. REDACTED-BOARDNAME(?)
Error in parsing value for ‘max-width’.  Declaration dropped. REDACTED-BOARDNAME(?)
Error in parsing value for ‘width’.  Declaration dropped. REDACTED-BOARDNAME(?)
Error in parsing value for ‘max-width’.  Declaration dropped. REDACTED-BOARDNAME(?)



per @qqq this was on Firefox 95.0.2 / MacOS Big Sur 11.5.2 / MacBook Air M1

Hey qqq , do you remember if you had kinopio open in multiple ff tabs at the time?

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Nope, only one tab


i’ve switched to using ff as my main browser to track this down, nothing yet, I’ll keep you posted. Using version 96.0.2 .

I’m not sure how often FF versions get updated, but let me know if updating to latest 96 solves the issue in the meantime @qqq

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Hey. Have this problem, or similar.
Not using Firefox. Just Safari and Chrome

Just started to find some cards with missing connections. I remember that it was connected with each other sequentially, not as a tree, rather as a train :steam_locomotive::suspension_railway::suspension_railway::suspension_railway::suspension_railway:

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if it’s public can you send the url of a space w missing connections and describe which cards no longer have connections?

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I have also now seen this (or similar) behaviour a couple of times. I am unfortunately not exactly sure what happened, because usually I notice a day later or so. But maybe something helps:

  • I usually have kinopio open on multiple devices in pinned tabs (firefox).
  • The connections that disappeared were not new - they had been there for days or weeks. I might have completed a task on a connected card though
  • The picture shows multiple missing connections. At least one of them was connected to a task I completed the day before.

I will try to get more info/remember more precisely what I did.


Do you see any error messages in the browser console. You should also see a remoteSpace item too that shows card and connections merged on load - the next time you see this if you could dm me your log that’d be helpful

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I’ll do that.
A question though: Can I open the console after I see the behaviour? Or do I need to have it open when loading kinopio?


I think you can open it after you see the issue – browser consoles usually record logs from the start of the session/load

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I have been seeing/noticing this recently. It just happened last night/this morning. I was working on a space, and then I went downstairs to my other computer. Lots of connections were gone.

When I came back up this morning, I went back to the tab where I was working. The connections were there for a flash, but once it synced with the server, they disappeared. Here is the console:

I was using Orion (webkit-based browser) and the mac app.

I also saw this in the community chess space.


if it’s not too late, can you expand the last sending operations line?

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