Tag dialog: [ ] In Current Space not working

I expect it shows all tags in my current space but it is showing an empty list

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it works if I create a new tag in the space, but if I use a tag that is already defined it doesn’t show up

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ya i’m having reproducing this. I’ve tried using both existing and already defined tags (by typing [[ and autocompleting)

is this the only card with a tag in the space?

I share a space Kinopio – Thinking Canvas it works if I am not logged in, but it doesn’t show up when logged in, is it in my settings somewhere

Did you create the cards with the tags in the same browser/device as you’re using now?

can you refresh and try opening Tags again? let me know what you see for the ‘filteredTags’ entry in the browser console

can you also let me know if signing out and then back in fixes the issue permanently?

it was returning empty array, after signing out and in , it fixes the problem. However in the my other space that is loaded locally? it still has the problem which goes away if I logged out and in while on that space

working on a potentially more permanent fix for this , that’ll be part of the next release

potential fix released. let me know if you still see the same issue