Tab title & link update don't update at the same time, browser history gets weird


When I open a space via the CTRL+K menu (and possibly other methods as well), it updates the title of my tab and then updates the URL of my tab. The result of this is that in my browser autocomplete the title and URL are mismatched – in the picture above you can see that the tab title TOTK Armour Upgrades is associated with the link to a different Space, Diablo Demake.

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More full image for better context


thanks that helps alot, will look into


might be a good candidate for @lucas :

i’ve been able to repro this issue although not always, so not sure about the root cause.

in theory WindowHistoryHandler.js is supposed to handle all window title and url updates (by listening for triggerUpdateWindowHistory) so making sure these fire as expected with the expected payloads when changing spaces is where i’d start looking

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fix released

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