Spacebar Overlay - Setting to Change Behavior

While I appreciate the birdseye view, holding spacebar to move around is common for most apps. As someone using Kinopio to present topics to others, the birdeye view is a distraction while presenting. It’d be nice if this could be a setting or a different shortcut. SHIFT + SPACEBAR.


Hey araiguma,

What’s the context where your pressing space during a presentation? Couldn’t you just not press space while presenting?

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:wave: Hey! I’m the one who messaged you about the performance issues with the nested trees :smile:. Since I’ve migrated my spaces back to one, I’m using the spacebar to move around the space to walk through the different sections with my colleagues.

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when you hit spacebar is your intent to pagedown the screen?

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I’d like to be able to hold down the spacebar and pan around with my mouse as I used to before the minimap overlay was introduced recently.


Ok cool, I see what you mean. I’ll look into a wholeistic solution next week , in the meantime you can pan by holding the right mouse button



  • space and right-click to pan
  • hold space+shift for minimap

any objections?

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What does just space do? And if you left-drag?

Just space = pan to drag

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I thought it was right-click to pan

It’ll be both

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Ah, I see. I get the desire to keep the space and drag to pan interaction. It’s common, and I’d probably use it if I didn’t have a Magic Mouse. It’s a bummer that the nifty mini-map will be harder to invoke, but maybe shift-space is not bad.

No objections here.

Although, I am wondering if a setting to inverse the functionality might be useful if you don’t want to hide the magic for first-time users.

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I’ll have another way to teach/expose it

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