Should emojis replace card voting?

Right now, cards have a Vote button that allows someone w card editing permission to add a up and down counter to a card. Is this theoretically redundant with the hypothetical ability for someone to add emojis to a card , the same way you can to discord messages?

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If you did emojis, then yes, I’d ditch the vote. Maybe the :+1: could be a default first option (although I doubt you have control if you use the default OS emoji picker…)

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Hm… I do like voting from a gaming perspective. It’s like a mini function as a counter, leaving you two options of reference. Card input + voting number on the one card.

Only a handful of times where I use it for it’s intent - as it works well as a counter.
But, I’m for use emojis cause of it’s visual diversity and would function better for the purpose of voting.

Users would need to add extra context on the card, but that gives you more voting options on the one card as a result.

But if we could rework an option for a counter card of sorts (might be a edge case for TTRPG)?

The existing voting cards would be transformed into emoji cards with some default emoji like :+1:.

There is no way for web sites to summon the native emoji picker. I’ve been advocating for an <input type="emoji"/> literally for years. Which means every site has to make it’s own emoji picker. There are performance and scope issues with including every emoji, so for v1 I’d probably just include a popular subset of like 5-10 or so.

But if we could rework an option for a counter card of sorts (might be a edge case for TTRPG)?

Did we use counter cards in the TTRPG?

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Ah I see, would it fix the current voting system, where if it was a public space, anyone could bump the counter lol.

So with the emoji, its either on or off for the one person… I guess guest mode they will still be able cast multi-votes if they really wanted to?

Re: counters for TTRPG.
Yeah, mainly for functions that require you to track a Max state with a number that will gradually go down or up depending on the fiction.

5E D&D character sheets, Spells:

Cairn Stats:

It’s a nice little function, handy to one-click, rather than 3-step. but not a deal breaker.

We can always adjust to a text system.
STR: 10/10
DEX 3/7

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Here’s an example of how Webex handles reactions:


Folks definitely use them for voting, as in slack. They will say, react with a :taco: for option 1, :pizza: for option 2, etc. But 90% of the time, it’s for confirmations (:+1:t2:, :heart:, :heavy_plus_sign:, :100:, :eyes:)


should i allow multiple emoji to be voted on like this? what happens if ppl select to use 5 emojis to vote on , in a card that is sized very narrow/small?

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There should be a hard limit, like 3? But we’ll still need some responsive behavior when cards get narrowed since they can go pretty small.

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dunno if i can assume situations w tiny cards and lots of diff emojis will be rare. if so, then I think it’s okay if it’s a bit ugly