I generally like my card color to be tinted to align with whatever color my background is (eg a dark blue background I have a light blue-grey as my primary card color) and as my backgrounds are often different per space, it would be amazing to be able to set the default new card color on a per-space basis.
Where would you expect to be able to set the space card color
I’m guessing the card color for the space would only affect the cards you add (ie not collaborators)?
possibly connected to Ability to set default background to a random fancy gradient - #8 by pirijan
hm, good question. I’d probably expect the space card color setting to live in the same space settings where the background is set.
idk - I could see it being nice if the card background was enforced for collaborators too (obv they could change to other colors as desired, which is current behavior), but purely because my desire for this feature comes from me always color-matching my cards to backgrounds & if I invited a collaborator I’d appreciate the consistency / if people left comments it’d bug me to have cards of a different color - but! totally open to that not being the case, too.
I’m down with color per space, but would be against enforcing it for collaborators. The more I’ve collaborated, the more me and my collaborators use the card colors to quickly discern who is who.
I also think this is the better option, the first thing that comes to mind is the ttrpg spaces, where everyone uses different card colors for their character.
i think maybe the best is to give the ability to overwrite the color set by the space owner, but if you dont set your own, use the one set by the owner, instead of the one you have in settings
ttrpg is a good example. that said i don’t think you should be able to set or override anyone else’s color, just your own.