[select-all] Slow performance while select-all and dragging many cards

I’ve got a space with 19 cards and 10 connections. If I select all and move around, it gets a bit choppy. I’m on an M1 MBP, using Arc.
On a space with 50 cards, it is very choppy and feels broken. This is happening on multiple spaces, not related to the thing above with the constant updateCard messages.
Here’s the 19-card space: Kinopio – Thinking Canvas

I’m hitting a problem where I select all objects in a space ⌘-A, and I try to move, and it kinda gets stuck. Boxes and connections are jiggling, lots of updateCards messages in the log. The UI is kinda frozen.


related bug: locked item buttons don’t correctly move after select-all and drag locked items

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related bug: connection paths to locked card get broken after select-all drag

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am now able to repro the issue of websocket received and sent messages in a loop, looking into fixing now

EDIT: released a fix for this issue