Paint and connections should be above locked cards

When you select-paint, it should be drawn on top of locked cards. That’s because these cards are drawn below normal cards. When you currently select-paint, the paint is drawn behind locked cards, but then if you pass any normal cards, it still gets selected. So there is a violation of the physics/ordering on the canvas.


Same goes for connectors, I think. The difficulty is if you have a really large locked card serving as a background for other cards, then it’s paint and connectors are basically no longer part of the experience.

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I think having connections on top would be pretty powerful. I ran into this limitation today where I had taken a screenshot of my calendar, put it in a card and locked it. Then I started putting cards on top to annotate various items. I wanted to use connections, but they were invisible, since they get rendered below the image.

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Adjusting the z-index manually for the article wrapping the locked card results in the connection being above the image.

Since Safari 15.4 supports :has(), I can also add custom CSS to achieve this.

article:has(> .is-locked) {
  z-index: -1 !important;

If the is-locked property could be exposed at the article level, then all browsers could select on this an adjust the z-index.

But hopefully this can be implemented in the app :slight_smile:


does fixing the z-index for locked cards at -1 create un-expected card ordering scenarios for you?

just just pushed an update that makes locked cards z -1 (before was 0). Also adds a bool data-attribute for .card[data-is-locked] that you can use for css