Allow multiple people to make the same connection between cards but keep a count of this and then have the ability to show the number which could be used for example to indicate a strength of opinion between specific cards.
i don’t really understand, can you provide an example use case?
Here is an old screenshot of a mock up for previous versions of - its demonstrates as an example that 3 different people connected the square (note) to the triangle (weblink)
I can see this useful in the context of getting feedback or voting. Maybe you have card X, which is a question or prompt, and the you have cards A, B, C, D. Players can choose to connect X to one of these cards. Being able to count the number of connections means you can see how many people voted for A, for example.
This would make the connections UI more complicated. This seems somewhat niche – it only makes sense in a multiplayer setting.
if the use case for this is voting, then maybe it makes more sense to implement card voting more directly
I would be generally against multiple connections (and anything that brings Kinopio closer to Visio) because I don’t think that K should be much more complex than it is today. On the whole I think that simplicity and immediacy is really key.
I know we’ve got a few threads on the boil right now for resizeable cards/images and dynamic counters etc and I’d say the same in all of those cases.
Ideally I’d like a switch that turns K back into v0.1 mode with minimal controls on the cards!
ya it’s a really tough balance, some ppl want features cuz they have real/complex usecases, but more visible ui makes the app less good as a raw thinking tool
I trust you to walk that line and prioritize what makes Kinopio clear, easy-to-use, and effective (as you already have)
@stegriff I’m curious, what features since “0.1” (so to speak) do you find to be non-minimal/distracting/superfluous? do you see another way to implement those features in a simpler way? are there other features you would like to see?
Yes indeed, we do not want feature creep as this is what all the other such tools are suffering from for sure, miro, mural, padlet all very much so. However I don’t see this as that but as a welcome addition to the requirements of good co-creation, and yes at the core this another way of upvoting, so if you can upvote connections and cards this would I think be very helpful to focus team work, these features are less necessary in single player mode for sure.
Revisiting this to see whether we could add the option to count if different people make the same connection between cards. So you can only make 1 connection yourself but if your team add the same connection then that can be displayed as a number. Again it’s a simple way to upvote anonymously ideas. Connects to the emoji upvoting capability too. Use case is a team and is again about straw poll style feedback on cards and connections
if the primary use case for this is for upvoting, i’d rather add a real card upvoting feature, as requested in Up voting cards Feature Request
Well I think this is for showing stronger connections between cards a slightly different approach to just up voting