Make Shift+Drag relative

Started on discord

Rework the grid snapping feature, so that holding shift will

  1. snap cards 12px relative to the nearest card (from the cursor maybe for ease of use?), aligning them to the left/right top/bottom of it. (depending on cursor position)
  2. snap card sizes in 12px increments

popping this on here too, but if it’s more of a bug I can move to a separate thread to not clutter this one.

I wonder if this grid discussion would solve the align-left/right-and-distribute funkiness I’m experiencing with shift-snap-to-grid changing the spacing between boxes?


Yes, this was a problem with Ben too and I believe he made a post about it. If this version is implemented it would mean that dragging cards while holding shift won’t snap cards anywhere, so the issue should be irrelevant with this.

The way I see this working in general:

When you shift+drag, that puts you in snapping mode. At some specified distance (> 12px), when you start to get closer to a card, you get some affordance that shows that the card will snap to 12px away from the card when you let go.

If you are not close to a card, then shift+drag doesn’t do anything. I don’t think it should snap to any grid.

released an update for OP

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