🐛 Inaccurate card count

As I mentioned in Consider exempting cards created in shared space with upgraded user one of my teammates hit their card count limit while we were collaborating. However, I think the count is inaccurate.

The spaces they can see are all ones that I own, and when I browsed through them, I can only see a dozen cards that this person created. But they are reporting their card count is 95/100.

Can you please investigate? Their user id is QGF5yLTY_njo1MU4UgQjT.


hmm ya I see that they should have only 37 cards created. I’ll look into what could’ve caused this. In the meantime I’ve reset their cardCount to 0


btw, does that count include removed (but not purged) cards?

the cardcount decrements on removed cards, no need to purge them. But if you restore a removed card it’ll increment again.

A bug was fixed about 2 months ago, where removing a space would not decrement the user’s cards within it. My guess is that removing spaces before then is what caused the count to become inflated

Seeing the same issue, have only ever had 1 space, not sure how to get the user ID, but made the only space I have read only here:

New cards added increment and if I remove them decrement correctly, but the total card count is incorrect

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I set your card count to 36, the number of cards I found for you in the database.

There is indeed a bug on my end with the card count though. I have some thoughts on how to address this under the hood,

Thanks for letting me know


@pirijan is this fixed now after your changing card counts to use deltas?

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this specific issue (removing a space to decrement your card count) was fixed earlier. Switching to deltas makes the whole cardcounting system more reliable as a whole tho