I am very happy that there is now “ABC” filter for alphabetical sorting. Thank you!
I am not sure where you are going with filters in future and what your plans are, so these are more questions than feature requests because I respect your judgement:
- Is there a reason why one can display “journals only” but not to hide them (i.e. to see everything except journals?)? Journals are somehow special to me and I would prefer to sometimes keep them separate.
- Do you plan filtering by teams under the filter option?
- “Hidden” seems to behave differently that I would expect from a checkbox. Checkbox suggests inclusion like on File Explorer (“show hidden files” shows also all other files) but here it is “just hidden files” nothing else, as it seems. So it is conceptually similar to “journals only” but here it is a checkbox instead of a button. Not a big issue it is just a slight inconsistency in my view. Just letting you know.