Drag card size on iOS

I may be too dumb, but don’t see how to change the card size on iOS

Some functions like card resize and card tilting are not available on mobile.

oic, thanks

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Just realized I signed up after reading your blog!


Awesome! Welcome, and thanks for reporting issues. Let us know how things go :slight_smile:


Also I’ll add that the reason they aren’t available is because they can interfere with scrolling. So if you mean to swipe to scroll but you accidentally place your finger on a card edge, than the card will resize instead, which can get annoying or confusing. I’m thinking of alternatives tho in the future

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I’m thinking the resize should have priority over the scroll.
I mean, if the user places the finger over the Resize “button” (bottom-right area of the card), and then starts doing a gesture, it means the user wants to resize it.

Should that still be the case when you’re pinch zoomed out and the resize indicator isn’t really visible because it’s so small?

I think you could hide the resize indicators after certain zoom % on mobile?
at least when zoomed out all the way. Another idea: hide them when the boxes reach a certain visible size on a phone, ie “when they look 8px tall”.

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Ya that makes sense

updated so that tilt resize controls are available until zoomed less than 50%