I had an idea - the bugs that I run into usually appear in semi-private kinopios where I’d love to share the space for bug reporting purposes, but I don’t necessarily want to spill our internal documents, so I wind up having substandard bug reports.
It would be great to have a way to publicly link a space in a way that hides all of the content. I don’t know if this is a realistic request, but I noticed the friction of sharing semi-private documents, and thought this might be a useful way to bridge that gap.
(There’s a separate issue, of these spaces being actively in use and therefore hard to maintain in a state. I could duplicate, but I’ve never really bothered since I would feel weird about sharing the duplicate too – and maybe the duplicate wouldn’t maintain the bug?)
I wonder if providing a snapshot with contents scrubbed that gets sent to support would suffice. In other words, automating:
Scrub all the card and box names (maybe scramble characters to maintain character length?)
Export the JSON
Send to the administrator
To debug, the support person can import the space.
This would help with certain classes of bugs that are related to the structure of a space, but not other things like permissions and inter-space interactions.
Yes! I’m still not sure what’s causing certain bugs that I keep forgetting to report as I catch them, like weird connections. They feel like they might have to do with local data and online data conflicting. But, it’s possible that they’re a structure thing, and it would be nice to at least have a starting way to report stuff that is hard for me to share.
a lot of times issues like this are confined to your own machine/client and not related to the space itself, so even if you granted me full access to the space i may not see the issue.
Instead you can provide contentless debugging info to me via:
let me know what errors, if any, you see in the console when something doesnt work
let me know the spaceid of the affected space and i can look up attempted api operations and server logs
Because most bugs are pretty unique, going to the effort to build a special debug view might not solve the actual problem and/or would not be as effective as the above two steps
I’ve had this friction as well. It’s especially frustrating because usually the spaces that are private and have sensitive information are the most important ones, have lots going on, and involve collaborators.
@pirijan can you think of an easy way to automate the steps you mentioned?
Currently there is some back and forth with reproducing the bug, capturing the right logs, contacting you in discord and/or posting to the forum, etc. Maybe even just for #2, a button someone could push to log on the server that they had a problem with the space that you could then investigate when you see it?
re what @bentsai said about having a button - even if it was kind of illusory i would love a button that says something like “give me a special debug link that i can send to piri on discord” which, in practice, contains the spaceid you’re asking for and, i don’t know, some local errors (??? i would be happy to copy these myself but bear with me for a moment), maybe automatically a screengrab with all this stuff attached?
it’s just not intuitive to me to remember what the spaceid contains or is for, and i actually would love a big dumb “i’m having a problem” button. you might end up with a bunch of annoying reports, but streamlining the bug reporting for me would be amazing and you’d definitely get more droqen bug reports
I’m not aware of any way for websites to read console logs or take screenshots of the page. i’m very skeptical of a 1click report that would be useful, in almost all cases i’ll need supplementary info and repro steps.
Friction free bug reporting is the wrong thing to optimize for bc without quality/details these reports will not bc useful for actually fixing problems.
Might be connected to Version History to Playback Space. I started storing recent operations in the db , and there’s an API route for listing recent history steps on a space. That said it’s a challenge to figure out how to expose it.
Would having a list of api operations eg userA moved cardB, userC deleted cardV,…
If so, what kind of granularity would be helpful to see? Eg
userA moved cardB
userA moved cardB to position xyz, at specific time. Which caused connection path id X to update.
Some of the operations like bulk updating multiple items at could create some super long entries.
The easiest thing would be to expose the raw json operations , but it would probably be very hard to human parse