Card Header Fonts (attempt #3~)

here’s a WIP interface for changing h1 and h2 fonts in a cardl. The fonts button is only visible/useful when h1 or h2 is activated

CleanShot 2024-02-29 at 11.10.40

I’m still not sure though if we should allow multiple different header fonts in a single space (could be potentially a lot of font files to download), or whether a space should be limited to a single header font (so if you change the font in one card, it’ll change all the other header fonts in that space. Thoughts?

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I think it would be potentially chaotic with multiple heading fonts. I would probably not use that.

If it’s one heading font per space, the setting should be with the other space settings, though.

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Oh really? So font settings shouldn’t be in the card but only accessible from space settings? I think I get the logic. The downside is that it might be too abstract a setting from space settings because unless you have headers, nothing will appear to change.


Yeah, I agree, it would be hard to discover/find. I guess you have to balance that with the fact that, if you change the font in one card, it will change in another card (with a heading), which would be very unexpected.

that said, I think doing it inline might be the net win because:

  • in the font picker dialog, i could mention that this will affect all cards in the space
  • even if you don’t read that, when you see the other cards in a space change once or twice, it’s an easy thing to learn
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decided to allow users to use any header font. In terms of perf etc. I figure that having multiple cards w diff header fonts is not meaningfully different in terms of size than someone dragging in a v large img files into their space

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in terms of chaos, it’s up to the user to decide how chaotic they want things to be. being able to change the header font for multiple cards at once via paint select makes it easy to clean things up if desired. The last header font you used/switched to will be the default h1/h2 for new cards/boxes you create

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:articulated_lorry: shipped: Header Fonts