Hi, there certain types of URLs are not correctly handles, here’s a few I’ve encountered
http://localhost.com/redr/foo -> good
http://localhost:65432/redr/foo -> bad (link address will eventually be replaced by next one below, bug?)
http://localhost:65432/redr/foo.txt -> good
http://localhost:65432/redr/foo.abcde -> bad
http://kinopio.club:443 -> bad (link address will eventually be replaced by next one below, bug?)
https://kinopio.club:443/foo.txt -> good
It seems URLs with port are not handled properly?
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it looks like that’s because these urls include :ports numbers, I’ll look into adding that. Are you using these for local development?
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I’m using it to store corporate/intranet pages occasionally, which usually using different ports.
And since Kinopio don’t support custom URI schemes, so I build a local service to support them, eg:
just shipped an update to add http://localhost:123 support , tested w urls above. Should not introduce any regressions with normal url detection but keep your eyes peeled just in case