Support for drawing/hand-writing

ya there would be some exception to resizing if the card had a drawing in it

not sure yet. probably some new attribute in a card, linked to some new db table

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also referenced in Drawing in Kinopio [Draw box]

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thinking about this even more, i think the various exceptions and conditional ui needed for card/box based drawing is too complicated. Even though it comes with the downside of not being able to move drawings around, drawing directly on the background is probably the expected/less fiddly thing to do

this is by far the most requested feature on the roadmap, so I might fasttrack this as a crowd pleasing feature. (sidenote: I think it’ll be waaay easier to build than lists because it’s more of a greenfield feature)

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As a drawing alternative, how about these stickers?

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that could work, but I have my doubts it’d replace the feature for most of the ppl who’ve requested it

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