Shortcut/hotkeys for text styling

Would we be able to see styling shortcuts for the markdown:

Top ones I’m requesting:
ctrl + B for bold
ctrl + I for Italics

Optional for the rest.
ctrl+ K - Clashes with spaces hotkey so I think, clashes like this we can do can do manual markdown as they were.



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Another related behavior that some sites have is, when you have some selected text, typing * or ** will wrap the selected text in asterisks, rather than overwriting the text. Perhaps that is something worth considering as another shortcut.


Cool, anything that helps format text faster would be great.

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oooo I like this as solution.

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working on this rn, trying to keep scope low.

typing * or ** will wrap the selected text in asterisks

I’ve only seen this behavior in code editors - but not in more general purpose writing apps like IA writer where only cmd-b style shortcuts are supported. My worry is that wrapping txt chars would not be used by most ppl, who would prefer to use cmd-b.

The secondary worry beyond the scope is that wrapping txt chars might instead cause confusion in ppl who would instead expect that the text should be replaced with the character when you select text and type any character.

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Acknowledged around the typing * to surround vs overwrite seelction…it certainly increases scope and it is not conventional. It would take some finesse to get the behavior right and not cause confusion.

I think how I would handle it is, after hitting *, you would reselect the text. If the user wanted a raw *, then they could hit backspace to delete the selection, then backspace once more to delete the left asterisk.

I can’t remember what editor I saw this behavior, but I remember experiencing it and liking it a lot. I feel like the instances of selecting the text and intentionally putting asterisks is pretty low, so it’s a nice little shortcut for markdown styling.

But I’m fine with the standard ctrl-B/I shortcut for now.

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i have the ability to scope keyboard shortcuts, so i can treat them differently if they come from a textinput vs not a textinput

cmd-b and cmd-i support shipped