I know Kinopio won’t auto-load the url preview anymore (on the first time you open a Space when it comes through the API - but maybe with the new inbox and extension that can be revisited…?) but… now Kinopio doesn’t seem to recognize these URLs at all anymore.
Until now I could at least open the card and press “Hide URL” → this would also force the URL Preview to kick in for me.
Now I have to delete the last letter in the url and re-type it to get the Hide URL button to appear and kickstart the URL Preview.
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i believe that the root cause of this is now corrected:
when you create a new card by POSTing the api , the card will automatically be assigned a new attribute: shouldUpdateUrlPreview
The next time you load the space, any cards with this attribute will have url previews loaded for them, and then the attribute gets removed (so it doesn’t keep checking on subsequent page loads)
Confirming this is working great for me.
Assuming you’ve seen and might be related, but probably not solved with this solution: Bug 1 from this public space: https://kinopio.club/-kinopio-bugs-feedback-qG7uxfOoTBVF4MZiOWI39