Link arrow button occluding card name


cat client.txt | p4 client -i

client.txt is being detected as a URL.

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What I’m also seeing is that the entire text is in a code block so nothing should be a url.

Detecting that blah.txt is not a url but is, is actually a bit difficult. Basically I would need to compare the extension against all the tlds, but new tlds are being introduced all the time so not sure if it’s enough to just have all the main current ones and add weird new ones as issues are reported. I guess that’s what discourse probably does ^

Hmm where’s the best place to get a list of all the tlds?


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Thanks! I was thinking URLs inside of code blocks would not be linkified. That’s not what I’ve seen with markdown processors. For example:
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here’s another card I had:


build_number='123' && sed -i.bak "s/BUILD=[0-9][0-9]*/BUILD=${build_number}/" BACKDRAFT_PACKAGE

It looks like i.bak is being detected as a URL? But maybe you can just ignore code blocks entirely. that could simplify things and I think is expected, given behavior of other markdown processors. probably even desired :wink:


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