Heart icon not rendering in Gmail iOS

This worked 12/13 but stopped in the 12/19 and 12/26 emails.

Works in Outlook iOS.

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FWIW, don’t think it’s ever worked in Hey iOS


oh really? it’s weird that the logo image works but the hearts don’t … is there an option in hey or gmail to turn on all post images for that email? (I use fastmail so I didn’t catch this). Worst case scenario I’ll fall back to the less cool text

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I have the email display all images. Other images work. It’s just the heart for some reason.

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hmm maybe it’s because it’s an svg?

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That sounds like a good hypothesis: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32981760/is-there-a-trick-to-display-svg-images-in-gmail#33151666

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alrighty, replaced heart.svg with heart.png. Things should be good in next week’s email, let me know if not tho :smiley: