Background cards or images

I like the locking idea. An important behaviour of having a background card would be that you could drag on the background and select cards on top of it while not selecting it. This means it’s basically locked in place, right?

Do you imagine still being able to click a ‘background’ image card to edit it?

There’s a trade-off between being able to click and edit the background card and being able to click and create a new card. I think the latter operation would come up more often. Then you could have a lock button to unlock the background card when editing is necessary. So yeah I think the locking pattern implies the semantics I’d want!

One thing is that locking might not communicate well that locked cards are pushed to the background — maybe they don’t have to be pushed to the background at all? Am I right that edit actions only ever lift cards to the top of the stack? If that’s the case then any locked card would always remain behind any newly moved card which still makes it possible & easy to use these locked cards as a background. Though I guess then unlocking & editing the card would bring it back to the top, so I’m not sure.

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