About/Marketing page

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on load, this notification will show up if you’re not signed in on any space, and hide itself after 10 seconds.

The ‘+ space’ button creates a welcome space and is only visible if you have no spaces (eg you visited for the first time from a space on twitter)

this replaces the previous welcome notification that only could create a welcome space, and used vague-er copy
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I feel like that notification could be more prominent, and/or it should stay around longer. when I come to the welcome space, it takes a while to scan all the cards and take it in, and by the time I look down there, the notification is gone. Granted, it is green and conspicuous, but personally I would methodically scan the space from top to bottom and assume that the notification would still be there once I get to the bottom.

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that makes sense,

will update the notification to be persistent, and require you to click the × to dismiss it forever.

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I’ll investigate jazzing it up visually, but this may no longer be necessary

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this gif is more subtle, lower contrast, dunno if it’s better


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updates pushed

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after seeing the live change (with the rain roof), I think i like the bowl of mush better. It is hard to tell what the roof scene is, given the size of the image and also more subtle treatment. my ¢¢.

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or you could choose it at random, or rotate it based on time of day/something? :man_shrugging:t2:

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updated the vid to soup, and hid it on mobile

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That link button isn’t working for me on iPad. Tapping it doesn’t navigate anywhere. I just tried it on desktop (Safari, Vivaldi), and the button also doesn’t do anything :confused:


whoops, thanks for the report - should now be fixed